Quantum Brilliance: Quantum Computing | Quantum Technology | High-Tech
How diamonds will shape the future of computing
Room Temperature Diamond Quantum Accelerators

5 Key Take-aways
on Quantum Technologies and Computing
from Dr. Mark Mattingley-Scott (Chief Revenue Officer, Quantum Brilliance) at our 22nd Investment Conference (2022)
Quantum computing holds the promise of smashing complexity and disrupting every industry.
The carbon structure in the diamond lattice allows to front load all the complexity of quantum computing into an industrial process.
Quantum computing technologies are still all about developing things, learning, preparing in a sandbox.
Diamond as a material has so many similarities at the fundamental underlying economics and scalability as silicon or any other semiconductor.
We are going to see a future of ubiquitous mass deployed quantum computing.
How Diamonds will shape the Future of Quantum Computing in 5 Minutes
taken from CM-Equity AGs 22nd Investment-Conference (October 2022), presented by: Dr. Mark Mattingley-Scott (CRO, Quantum Brilliance)
3 Key Statements from the presentation:
“Quantum Computing is a technology which is going to smash the capabilities of computing.“
“The market opportunity is massive, it’s probably around the size of the semiconductor industry today.”
“I believe the first step is to not boil the ocean as many of our competitors are trying to do, but to take that first cup of tea, the first step with specific concrete use cases, with measurable economic benefit.”
About Quantum Brilliance

Enabling Ubiquitous Quantum Computing
(with Room Temperature Diamond Quantum Accelerators)
Quantum Technologies
(Australia, Headquarters),
Stuttgart (GER), Singapore (SP)
Transcript of Summary
“If we look at quantum computing in general, quantum computing is a technology which is going to smash the capabilities of classical computing, the things we think we can do today with computers, the limitations we know and understand with classical computers.
And I hope with my 60 years that I will live to see the day when there’s a quantum accelerator in every laptop, if we still have laptops, every car, every aircraft, every robot. Everywhere basically. That potential is certainly there. And, diamonds are the only technology that can fulfill that promise.
Every technological revolution brings with it massive disruption, massive changes in the structures of how we behave and how we interact. So basically we are in the phase of almost continuous, tearing down the old and building the new.
Quantum computing holds the promise of smashing complexity and disrupting every industry. And quantum computing will do that. It will achieve that vision, that goal.
The really, really interesting question is what’s the first step? One of the challenges we see with quantum computing all the technologies out there, all of them require lots of infrastructure. They require carefully controlled environments, a thing called quantum coherence. In order for us as macro, large things to interact with quantum things, we need to trick nature into giving us that coherence.
Every technology out there relies on complex infrastructure to do that with one exception. And the one exception is diamond. The carbon structure in the diamond lattice is so strong that diamond gives us this coherence for free at room temperature, which means no complex infrastructure. The key point about diamond is that we front load all the complexity of quantum computing into an industrial process.
Quantum Brilliance is the leader in this technology. We have some very unique IP around how to implement, how to produce mass market, mass production, mass quantities of diamond quantum accelerators. We’ve deployed our first quantum computer into a computing center. We have defined and validated a metric for actually measuring the business benefit of quantum computing, something that nobody else has yet been able to do.
Quantum computing technologies are still all about developing things, learning, preparing in a sandbox. And with Quantum Brilliance, I’m committed to taking us outta the sandbox into the real world and, getting to a positive business case for our end users as quickly as possible.
Our market opportunity is, massive. It’s probably around the size of the semiconductor industry today. I believe that in 10 -15 years we will see small diamond based quantum accelerators everywhere.
Quantum Brilliance has a four year history. In that time we have been very, very successful in recruiting key strategic customers and partners who are helping us understand how to deploy the technology, how to develop use cases, and use the technology.
We’ve been overtaken, by our own success in the sense that, particularly in Europe the 7 billion funding available in Europe for quantum technologies has proved to be very, very beneficial to everybody, also to us. So we’ve been surprised by awards of significant amount of funding from the German government. And we’re able to leverage and scale that faster than we expected. There is a lot of money out there being made available for quantum technologies.
How do we integrate quantum computing into the real world? That’s a question that all our competitors are talking about and thinking about. Their answer is the cloud, and my answer is anywhere, which is a very different kettle of fish.
I believe that diamond as a material has so many similarities at the fundamental underlying economics and scalability as silicon or gallium arsenide or any other semiconductor. At the end of the day, we have something we can mass produce and make available everywhere.
If you’d been around in the 1960s and somebody with hindsight, somebody had said, would you like some shares in Fairchild, or Intel, or Atari, or Apple? You would’ve said yes. And I believe that in general, in the quantum computing space, in the quantum technology space, and in particular Quantum Brilliance, it’s the same thing but with diamond.
So I believe that we are going to see a future of ubiquitous mass deployed quantum computing. I believe the first step is to not boil the ocean as many of our competitors are trying to do, but to take that first cup of tea, the first step with specific concrete use cases, with measurable economic benefit.
And I believe that Quantum Brilliance is the company that’s going to achieve that.”