What’s the Real Value of Your Time?
Munich, 17 Mar. ’22
Time is a concept that is purely man made. In nature things move in cycles and we have tried to make that more measurable by the concept of time.
The concept of “time” allows us to do many valuable things and use this as gauge while living. In investments time is also a valuable component, over time an investment can increase or decrease in value.
Time on the other hand is something that most of us do not have in infinitive numbers and yet we are sometimes somewhat careless about how we spend that time. Many of us trades our time for money and we then share the money with our community (i.e., taxes etc.). Therefore, the construct of time also is something where we are maneuvering on inputs from our subconscious mind hence, we attach different “values” to how we use time and “trade” and share it. This leads us to try to put time into different boxes. We have time of, we have time for restitution and more commonly we have worktime and time of.

Before I go on, I would like to recommend a book to you by Morten Albaek, One life, How we forgot to live meaningful lives. In his book Morten discusses the concepts of time in respect of our lives. That we can’t meaningful distinguish between “life at work” and the rest of our live. Once we understand that we have to make the “most” out of this life, maybe the only live we will get, it starts to become interesting how we look at the time we have and the value we attach to the “time”.
This leads us to many new insights. How do we spend our time and when we trade time for money how do we value the money and do understand how we make both time and money “work” for us and not the other way around.
In CM-Equity we believe in democratizing equity markets and therefore want to make the value creation of investments over time available to as many people as possible.
This will in turn lead to new ways of looking at live and time. If I invest, then I can invest in a better future, but what about now? And what about for instance retirement, what if we start looking at life in ways where we don’t spilt life between work and then later retirement, then we need to find ways to “click in and out”. There is no doubt that both time, investments and opportunity go hand in hand.
Thank you for your time!

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